I made my first fastalavnsboller yesterday. Fastalavnsboller is a pastry bun thing we eat in Denmark in February for our kind of Halloween. It is where kids dress up, but it is not scary. you eat these, and get candy by going door to door singing. It is difficult to explain. But the buns are […]
Osso Buco in Denmark
I am currently visiting my mom in Denmark. Apparently Denmark saved the winter for my visit, so one day it is snowing and the next raining. It is cold as f… but look how beautiful the snow is <3 I was so lucky my mom had some Kobe Osso Buco’s in the freezer for me […]
Visiting Denmark
After living in Las Vegas for more than a year, I do not have enough clothes to visit Denmark in the winter… I thought it would start to warm up, but surprise, winter is coming. We had rented a car, but when we tried to pick it up, they wouldn’t give it to us, and […]
Reintroduktion efter whole30
Hvad gør man efter sin whole30, hvordan får man mest ud af det? Når dag 30 er overstået skal man tilbage til selv at styre sin hverdag, og selv om det kan være svært at undvære mange ting, er det også nemt, fordi man har det som undskyldning. Nej tak, jeg spiser ikke kage i […]
January whole30 update
I started my 2nd round of whole30 January 1st. I was so excited, looking forward to feeling as great as I did the first time. But that was not the way it worked this time around. I feel exhausted, and for the first week it is what to expect, but this continued into week three. […]
Whole30 regler
Jeg er pt. i gang med min anden runde af whole30. Whole30 er et kostprogram der har til hensigt, på 30 dage, at eliminere fødevare der foresager inflammation, blodsukker ustabilitet, tarmproblemer og cravings. Efter de 30 dage introducere man de fødevarer grupper man har elimineret en af gangen, på den måde ved man hvordan man […]
My whole30 journey
The whole30 it a dietary reset program, intended to reset your body from inflammation within the 30 days, as long as you follow the program. It also helps you kick the sugar dragon, and help you get better habits. You leave out legumes, grains, dairy and sugar, you don’t make any substitutes, like bread, pancakes, […]
Asian inspired lettuce wraps
I hardly ever follow a recipe when I cook. I get and idea, then I google it, look at a ton of recipes and from that knowledge make the dish. This is of course when I make some kind of known dish. Todays meal was not like that, except the almond butter sauce. I had […]
Being Danish
I didn’t think much about what it meant to be Danish when I lived there. I didn’t cook traditional Danish food, I wasn’t necessarily proud of being Danish, sometimes I even wanted to be from a different country – and then I moved to Las Vegas. What changed I don’t know, but I have cooked […]
Happy New Year 2018
New Year is a great time to reevaluate and set goals for the next year, this is what this post will be about, my goals for 2018. I am starting my 2018 with a whole30, to reset my eating habits after the holidays. This is one of the things I want to improve in 2018 […]